The best location for
a break

Most recent posts

31 Mar 2021 by

RetailSonar Team

Location Talking Points #1 | What can you learn from Tesla, H&M, Albert Heijn and Leonidas?

Every month, we show you the latest and most inspiring location strategies from here and abroad. This means you’re always one step ahead in optimizing your future-proof network! In this video: the location strategies of Leonidas, H&M, Tesla and Albert Heijn.

7 Jan 2021 by

Pieter-Jan De Smet

Welcome to the RetailSonar Academy!

In 2021, we are making our customers even smarter! We have launched the RetailSonar Academy: a brand new community with huge advantages, exclusively for RetailSonar customers. What's in it for you?

21 Dec 2020 by

Pieter-Jan De Smet

TREND REPORT: Retail 2021 | A data-driven analysis of the past retail year

If you want to predict customer behaviour, you first need to identify it. We analysed sales data from 650+ locations in Belgium and the Netherlands. Read about the most important results in a useful trend report!

24 Nov 2020 by

Monique Husslage

Cutting-edge traffic data for your location strategy

What is the rate of footfall and visitors passing each location? Anonymous location data collected via millions of smartphones contain a wealth of information. Thanks to the new data packs on the RetailSonar platform, we make your location decisions even more accurate.

24 Sep 2020 by

Monique Husslage

Closing shops without losing customers

If you are planning to close some of shops, make sure you collect the right customer data and opt for smart digital campaigns. That way, you will keep your most loyal customers. We explain in a step-by-step guide below how to do this.

23 Sep 2020 by

RetailSonar Team

How is the role of physical shops changing?

Since the coronavirus pandemic, customers are shopping online more than ever before. This has had an impact on physical shops. What roles do brick-and-mortar shops play in the optimum sales network of the future?

5 Aug 2020 by

Monique Husslage

Inspiring: these 8 retailers are already optimising their store networks

The corona crisis shattered existing confidence in one fell swoop. Many retailers were forced to take a critical look at their store networks. How many physical stores do we still need? Where are there still future prospects? And how do we restore the balance between physical and online? These eight retailers are already taking concrete steps to optimise their networks.

4 Aug 2020 by

Pieter-Jan De Smet

Have you met Frances, our new Company Trainer?

Frances Tavernier is our go-to person for crystal-clear platform training. As our new Company Trainer, she makes our customers’ work a lot easier. High time for a first meeting!

26 Nov 2019 by

Monique Husslage

Forget experience, convenience is the new magic word!

In these times, how can your physical stores compete with the many online stores, where consumers can quickly and conveniently make purchases 24/7?

14 Oct 2019 by

Monique Husslage

How real estate, sales and marketing work together to make a location strategy succeed

In many retail organisations, real estate, sales and marketing work in parallel, almost as individual "islands". Unfortunately, this means they miss out on a wealth of opportunities. Here are 7 tips to collaborate more effectively and maximise your location strategy.

19 Jun 2019 by

Monique Husslage

How to avoid choosing the wrong location? Part 4: Match your retail format to the local area

Stores closing down soon after opening. We have seen this happen time and again in recent years. Choosing the wrong location is increasingly proving fatal to retailers who are under the growing pressure of e-commerce. But how do you choose the right location? We are sharing our expertise in four articles. Today in Part 4: marching your retail format to the local area.

7 May 2019 by

RetailSonar Team

Do your stores achieve their full sales potential?

How do you know if your stores are fully exploiting their sales potential? Which underperforming stores would it be better to dispose of and which ones can be saved with the right measures?

25 Apr 2019 by

RetailSonar Team

How to avoid choosing the wrong location Part 3: Know your competitors!

Stores closing down soon after opening. We have seen this happen time and again in recent years. Choosing the wrong location is increasingly proving fatal to retailers who are under the growing pressure of e-commerce. But how do you choose the right location? We are sharing our expertise in four articles. Today in Part 3: taking your competition into account.

27 Mar 2019 by

Pieter-Jan De Smet

RetailSonar is going to Germany!

Our data scientists are busy behind the scenes preparing our German platform.

7 Feb 2019 by

RetailSonar Team

Omnichannel retail: from fear to certainty in just 4 steps

How to combine physical stores with your online store? This is the kind of question that keeps many a retailer awake at night, but the answer is very difficult to find on your own. So how to go about this smartly? We explain this below in 4 steps.

1 Feb 2019 by

RetailSonar Team

How open data makes the difference for you

Behind the scenes we collect and combine a large amount of open data sets. It is a first and indispensable step to be able to guarantee our highly accurate sales forecasts. Why do we like to use open data and what benefits does this offer you as a customer?

3 Aug 2018 by

RetailSonar Team

How to avoid making the wrong location decision? Part 2: find the right neighbours

Shops that open only to close again soon after. This has become an increasingly frequent occurrence in recent years. Making a wrong location decision can have fatal consequences for retailers, due to the growing pressure of e-commerce. Find out how to make the right location choices with our expertise, in three articles. Today in part 2: the added value of efficient clustering.

16 Jan 2018 by

RetailSonar Team

How to avoid making the wrong location decision? Step 1: the importance of mobility & visibility

Shops that open only to close again soon after. This has become an increasingly frequent occurrence in recent years. Making a wrong location decision can have fatal consequences for retailers, due to the growing pressure of e-commerce. Find out how to make the right location choices with our expertise, in three articles. Today in part 1: the importance of mobility and visibility.

2 Nov 2017 by

Pieter-Jan De Smet

RetailSonar is one of the 50 fastest-growing technology companies in Belgium!

Deloitte recently nominated the 50 fastest-growing technology companies in Belgium. And we are one of them! On 14 November, we and 49 other digital leaders will be competing for the much-coveted Fast 50 Award.

28 Sep 2017 by

RetailSonar Team

Optimise the ROI of your next flyer campaign in 10 steps

Although we live in digital times, Belgian retailers still jointly spend several millions of euros a year on leaflet campaigns. Except they hardly focus on mapping their distribution zones based on data. Customer origin information offers chains the opportunity to optimise their marketing campaigns in a customer-centric fashion.