A fast and accurate answer to your “where?” question
Objective, accurate, fast and flexible – that is what RetailSonar offers in a nutshell. Get an answer to all your strategic network and geomarketing questions. We combine the most recent customer and market data to accurately map your market. We can also analyse and forecast evolutions for you, by linking this to marketing and sales models. In a simple and user-friendly platform that shows you all your data at a glance. So you are well equipped to make well-informed decisions in our fast-changing world.
Defining your optimum sales network
"Within 5 minutes I already know whether it is worth analysing a location in more detail, which saves me a lot of time."
Nancy Dierick, Proximus
- How can I make an accurate estimate of the sales of my new location?
- How much of a cannibalisation effect will the new location have in my network?
- How many customers can I recover after I close a location? And where can I engage with these customers again?
- Where are the locations I really should have a store (hotspots) and which turnover can I expect to generate there?
- How do I limit the risk of a new investment?
- What does my optimum sales network look like? And which steps must I take to develop it? What is the impact of my online store on my existing physical points of sale? Which dimension and capacity should a new location have?
- What is the impact of my online store on my existing physical points of sale? Which dimension and capacity should a new location have?
- Which dimension and capacity should a new location have?
And so much more. Discover our location planning solutions.
Maximum performance per point of sale
"By geographically mapping the current performance of our own points of sale and comparing them with their theoretical potential, we can see exactly how much margin for improvement there still is and which actions we must take."
- Do my locations take advantage of their theoretical potential? How can I find out whether in-store interventions or (out-store) local marketing promotions are necessary for underutilised stores? • How can I tailor the in-store layout, capacity, range and price strategy of a location to match its surroundings? • What is the influence of the local manager? • How can I develop a marketing strategy out-store for my location to reach my target customers and hurt my competitors in the right way? • How can I easily and quickly measure the impact of my actions? • Can we extrapolate success factors?
- How can I find out whether in-store interventions or (out-store) local marketing promotions are necessary for underutilised stores?
- How can I tailor the in-store layout, capacity, range and price strategy of a location to match its surroundings?
- What is the influence of the local manager?
- How can I develop a marketing strategy out-store for my location to reach my target customers and hurt my competitors in the right way?
- How can I easily and quickly measure the impact of my actions?
- Can we extrapolate success factors?
And so much more. Discover our location performance solutions.
Conducting efficient marketing campaigns
"We were able to reduce the cost of our flyer distribution by 14% without any impact on our sales figures. On the contrary even, we actually generated 2% more sales.”
Joeri De Waele, Partner at FUN
- How can I enrich my CRM data with internal and external data sources for a complete picture of my customer?
- Which interest groups make up my customer potential and how can I tailor or segment my messages accordingly?
- Which media should I use to distribute my messages and promotions?
- In which distribution zones should I distribute my flyers to achieve maximum ROI?
- To which customer should I send addressed mail and how do I make sure that we send the right message to each customer?
- How can I efficiently monitor my campaigns, forecast the return of new campaigns and adapt my future customer selections accordingly?
- How can I fairly distribute my campaign cost across the various points of sale?
And so much more. Discover our campaign targeting solutions